Danisha Bailey and Sharde McConnell deemed themselves ‘Soul Sisters’ upon meeting in 2012, the beginning of a new era. Discovering their similarities (like gifts with children, experiences as LGBT women of color, educational background etc.) proved an adventure and the connection was uncanny! The one shared experience that these two women had, which brought them even closer was that of sexual trauma as children (child sexual abuse). Both on different parts of their unique journeys, these women connected at a time that was fated. As their friendship grew, so did their desire to create solutions and resources for other survivors of child sexual abuse.
In 2014 Danisha and Sharde visualized what it would be like raising children in a society that leaves them susceptible to abuse by trusted adults and how they wished that when they were kids they could have had t-shirts that read “Touch me, I’m tellin’!” They decided that there should be a t-shirt that communicates, “I have boundaries and if you cross them, I will tell a trusted adult or authority figure.” They also realized that many survivors of sexual trauma do not feel empowered to talk about, process, or acknowledge their experience. Together, the Soul Sisters decided that the answer to this was TMIT.